While most people have heard of mediums, psychics, and tarot card readers – all common in Western culture, many are unaware of the ancient belief system of Ifa.
To understand the kind of readings provided by The Metaphysical Shoppe is to understand Ifa.
Ifa is a 16-principle system, which is said to have originated in West Africa so long ago that no one knows exactly when it was founded. However, it is said to be around 8,000 years old – the oldest religion still practiced today.
Throughout Africa there are different interpretations of its founding with Yoruba probably being the most widely recognized. However, most agree that it all started with one man, Orunmila who is identified as the Grand Priest that reached the highest level of divination and revealed the prophecy to the world. He then went on to gather students, and the religion quickly grew from there.
Orunmila established an oral literary corpus recording detailed stories and experiences of priests and their clients along with their results. This sacred odu corpus emerged as the leading documentation on the Ifa tradition, becoming its historical legacy.
Throughout Ifa, no matter where you go, the religion is centered around the Orisha. Many refer to Orishas as deities, however, this term does not do them justice. To be called a deity within Ifa would make one believe this is a polytheistic religion, when in fact it is not.
Ifa does center around the concept of one eternal God, one creator, and one ruler. One would best think of the Orishas as an anthropomorphic supernatural entity, almost like an archangel. An Orisha can also be looked at as our guardians. Every person has a guardian Orisha watching over them to keep them safe and to help guide them during the current human experience.
It is said that an Orisha may arise when a divine power to command and make things happen converges with a natural force, a deified ancestor, and an object that witnesses and supports convergence and alignment. Therefore, and Orisha is a complex multidimensional unity linking people, objects, and powers. To put it simply, they are our key to the supernatural.
While there are hundreds of Orishas, there are seven that are known to be the most powerful and make up the African pantheon. Emphatically referred to as the 7 African Powers, they are:
- Chango: The King, and the head of the Orishas. He is the god of lightning, strength, wealth, and power.
- Ochun: Chango’s queen, and the direct messenger to the true God himself. Ochun represents everything a woman could want, love, passion, fertility, money, fidelity, and happiness.
- Oggun: Chango’s brother, the warrior and weapons maker. Call upon him prior to battle to empower you towards a win.
- Yemaya: Ochun’s sister and Queen of the Ocean. Her domain encompasses 71% of the Earth. As water is needed for creation, she is often referred to as the Mother of All. Look towards Yemaya when in need of self-love, to keep your children safe, for compassion, love, and healing.
- Ellegua: The gatekeeper of all paths. A trickster god, Ellegua overseas every road one must take and can take. Pray to him for better opportunities and for advancement in life, but be careful not to get sent down the wrong path for his entertainment.
- Obatala: The wise old man. Obatala is as sacred as the patriarch of one’s family. Pray to him when in search of truth and honesty. He brings purity, purpose, peace, and resurrection. He is believed to have helped God during the times of Creation.
- Orunmila: Known by many names, Orunla or Orula, as he is often called is the Father of Ifa, the all-knowing. All high priests gifted and divined with the title of Babalawo have him as their spirit guide. He is the creator of Ifa, reaching the highest level of divination allowing him to become a deity in his own right.
Each Orisha has special, human-like characteristics, having a favorite food, “birthday”, and associated color. Their lives have taken many paths and many stories of their lives have been passed down throughout generations.
Due to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, this African belief system was able to spread like wildfire throughout the Americas, producing new versions of Ifa religions such as Haitian Voodoo, the Dominican’s 21 Divisions, and most notably in the Caribbean, Santeria. Other versions of spirituality rooted in Ifa can also be found throughout South America.
While all the religions have high levels of divination in their own right, almost all recognize the sacred power and divine abilities of the Babalawo.
The highly gifted practitioners of Ifa who are able to be reach the same level as Orunmila were divined as a Babalawo. Babalawos do not use tarot cards to read. They are not mediums per se. They can be categorized more as a clairvoyant. Their tools during the reading process are either cowrie shells, a divining chain known as an Opele, sacred palm or kola nuts, which are thrown atop a divination tray called the Opon Ifa.
A Babalawo is trained in the deep arts of spell work, spell breaking, herbs and more. There is no higher level than a Babalawo. From then on, it is just growth and honing your craft.
According to the dictionary, a clairvoyant is described as someone who can clearly foretell the future, having the ability to see objects or actions beyond the normal scale of vision.
Through their communication with Ifa, the clairvoyant or Babalawo will be able to see your past, present, and future. Your deepest, darkest secrets will become known, but in respect to all clients, all readings remain confidential.
A reading with a Babalawo is an experience like no other. Many have referred to it as life changing, setting oneself onto the right paths to shape their lives for the better.